July 2006 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
axlecrusher 2006-07-30 21:46

More clean up, mostly preincrement

13 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-30 21:39


14 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-30 21:36

more meaningful assert

1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-30 20:45

Copy8f not memcpy

1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-30 20:45

add Copy8f

23 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-30 20:31

Correct Comment

1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-30 19:28

small changes

2 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-30 11:17

Oops, I guess I forgot to commit this copy...

0 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-30 03:02

The start of an optimizer, A utility we can use to generate fans and strips, as well as my idea of using exclusive meshes-bone combinations.

Also included is a framework for the HG Model. This will let people write model converters easily (both to and from the format).

541 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-30 02:59

Update (Allow Meshes to chose what Material to use)

14 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-30 02:58

Optimize the cache stuff, and allow meshes to say which materials they use.

18 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-30 02:57

Permit demanded use of the C-type math code, instead of the ASM-type. This lets us decide when we want to have the optimized code, and when we don't want it.

1 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-30 02:57

Remove ASSERT_M's. Reasoning: If one wants to use MercuryTypes in another project, they would have to include everything, all the way down to MercuryUtil.
Rationale: In general, you don't have vectors giving you pretty messages, do you?

0 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-29 20:31

Allow provisions for exclusive meshes.

12 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-29 18:42

Updates to camera, more to come later

20 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-29 18:41

do our own frustum calculation

31 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-29 18:41

Zero and Identity

42 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-29 18:41

FIX: When SLERPing and our cos part happens to be one or higher, as a cause of non-precice rounding, it normally returns a non existant number, but now we can do the math correctly by telling it what the sine part is manually.

9 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-29 18:39

FIX: Crash if you use the + operator with a null char *. While this probably should crash, there was a mistake in sound that was causing a crash, so it's probably a good idea to not crash on this.

2 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-29 13:53

Move an aftermatrix to a type of rotation. We should NEVER need to rotate, and then rotate another rotation. We should have concatinated the rotations anyway.

5 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-29 13:42

do the whole normal reclculating thing

4 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-29 03:32

Add support for single-shot animations, as well as better interfacing for getting access to one animation. Also, fix some tweening issues and comment code.

47 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-29 03:32

Show off one-shot animations, as well as partially blended animations.

17 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-28 04:00

Update format.

4 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-28 03:58

Remove unessiary code.

0 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-28 03:56

Allow partial slerping of end rotations, to permit blending of animations better. Who knew slerp works with bigger percents than 1?
Seriously, SLERP( Nothing, Something, 10 ) = Something * 10.

5 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-28 03:47

Show off animation blending, this shows how you can <add> run_lower and run_upper

5 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-28 03:43

FINALLY! QUATERNIONS ALL THE WAY!!! Who knows why it didn't work any of the other times I tried. What matters is it works now!

97 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-28 03:06

deal more with the typecasted point, hide visual joints, and actually morph the polys.

This begins to show how my "trick" works.

16 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-28 03:05

Allow handle directly to the point.

1 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-26 23:40

Call CString MStrings, Linux seems to have an issue with it otherwise.

13 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-26 23:23

__fastcall doesn't exist in gnu c... Maybe this is a sign we should re-think it's use??

3 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-26 23:21

Let's just use MString for the crashing!

26 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-25 07:31

disable cache, try not to blow it away agian Charles

4 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-25 00:26

Almost right....

45 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 17:23

HOLY HECK! I found it! WOOHOO! that's why Quaternions wern't working for me! Flippin awesome!!!

1 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 17:22

Conversion to a 4x4 matrix, clearing out the last row and column.

13 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 12:55

No 3dSS

0 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-24 12:36


1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-24 12:36


2 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-24 12:34

Direction is different from target (thing we are looking at)
The camera is going to need some work. I'll do it tonight.

4 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-24 12:31


1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-24 07:51

Pre increment variables and turn off mesh cache if there are animations.

16 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 00:52

update the format

7 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 00:49

The packager for hg pck. I think it's a good idea to commit this.

1687 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 00:46

OOPS. License :)

4 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 00:46

First commit of the OgreXML->Mercury Model code

1569 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 00:44

Well, now animations kind of work, just no polygon morphing yet. I am going to see what Quaternions do for us. If it doesn't solve the problem, at least I can revert :)

15 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-24 00:43

Add Matrix to project

8 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 19:27

calculate direction

11 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 19:26

Small update

4 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 19:24

NormalizeSelf and Normalize

13 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 19:16

Normalize self, and Frustum (not function yet)

15 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 19:10


4 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 17:58

set listener

4 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 17:57

call sound manager update

1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 17:55

changes to listener

30 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-23 15:34

Add Bones and Animations to the model.

0 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-23 15:34

Support animations... err kinda, still broken.

284 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-23 15:33

Fix compile

3 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-23 15:33

Separate 4x3 and 4x4 matrix multiplies, Add a matrix inversion function, as well as a generate translation matrix.

122 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-23 15:30

Retire this damn thing, it's broken anyway.

0 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-23 15:30

Set up animations for the loadable model (not yet working)

9 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 15:13

small changes

5 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 14:57

clean up

11 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 14:29


10 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 12:29


42 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 12:16

Project update

7 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 12:12


3 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 12:10

small changes

5 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 12:09


10 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 11:35

matrix =

3 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 11:32

MercuryMatrix class

1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 11:19


118 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 00:14

Remove string header

0 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 00:10


20 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-23 00:09

Generic function names (drop SSE_)

26 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-22 23:57

memory align

1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-11 08:01

remove unneeded draw

0 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-11 08:00

Draw() to Render() and seperate OGL and EE rendering.

65 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-11 07:59

Materials private, make Draw protected

8 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 20:30

fix copper's on (or off) target detection

6 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 20:10


1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 20:08

Only lock the map for the amount of time we use it

6 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 20:03

only lock the map for insertion

1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 17:32

prevent rendering of unloaded sprites

14 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 16:58

Why can't we use delete? Anyways call the destructor.

3 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 16:34

blended CPU and SSE optimize

1 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 11:55

Oops, use the threaded libraries for the builds. Maybe this is why I was getting so many random crashes involving malloc and free.

4 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 11:42

The mutex constructor does this

0 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 11:23

After we construct we should unlock as well as open

3 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-09 11:22

Make windows default to infinate wait just like linux

2 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-07 22:45

change DeadSearch, clean up code a little, and fix loading multiple image data

51 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-07 22:42

changes to TextureID also remove vector containing pointer copies to TextureID to simplify things because of threads

2 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-07 21:29

clean up

2 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-07 21:25

Don't waste time with an extra memcpy just change the pointer.

5 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-04 18:05

Change FilePermission enum values to resolve conflict with a #define found in winbase.h

15 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-04 10:49

Fix warnings

4 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-04 10:48

Fix compile. Why did this need a cast?

1 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-04 02:15

Memfile: Allow usage of an in-executable char[] as a .zip file.

66 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-02 11:45

Remove commented out code and add a note to myself.

9 lines of code changed in:

axlecrusher 2006-07-02 10:45

const callback

2 lines of code changed in:

cnlohr 2006-07-01 15:37

Change in format, still not final.

11 lines of code changed in:

June 2006 »

Generated by StatCVS 0.3