Attenuation | Structure defining the Attenuation of a Light |
AutoCommandRegisterer | [internal] Auto command registerer |
BetaBetaMari | Clingy round thing |
BMPHeader | |
BMPInfoHeader | |
Capabilities | |
ClbkManager | |
CopperButton | CuUI Pressable Button |
CopperCaption | CuUI Plain text caption |
CopperKeypress | Structure describing CuUI keyboard event |
CopperMouseEvent | Structure describing CuUI mouse event |
CopperPicture | CuUI Picture Element |
CopperWindow | Generic UI window (CuUI) |
CopperWindowLoadable | CuUI Window that loads other windows from an INI |
CSTMessagePair | Plain text broadcast message pair |
CursorDevice | [internal] Cursor devce defintion |
DataSource | |
DeviceEEPAD | [internal] EE Input driver |
DeviceKeyboardFB | [internal] The keyboard drive for linux |
DeviceKeyboardSDL | [internal] The keyboard drive for linux |
DeviceKeyboardW32 | [internal] Win32 Keybord driver |
DeviceNull | [internal] NULL input device |
DisplayDimensions | |
ExplodingCokeCan | |
ezSockets | |
ezSocketsPacket | |
FBMouse | [internal] The mouse driver for linux |
FmtChunk | |
FrustumInfo | |
GLExtensions | |
GlobalFontHash | |
ImageAttrs | |
InputDevice | [internal] Input Device Driver definition |
InputDeviceTracker | [internal] Self-registering input device system |
InputEvent | Class describing an input event |
InputMappingTracker | [internal] Input mapping tracker (for high level tracking) |
InputMessageStruct | Structure describing an input event as broadcasted over the message system |
InstanceCounter< T > | |
LookAtInternals | |
MAutoPtr< T > | |
MCQueue< T > | |
MCQueue< T >::status | |
MDeque< T > | |
MDequeIterator< T > | Itearator for MDeque |
MDequeNode< T > | |
MemoryWatchForDestroy | [internal] Used to determine if we're past starting main() |
MercuryCallback | Callback for messages |
MercuryCamera | |
MercuryColor | Definition for a color in mercury |
MercuryCommandHandler | [Internal] Command-Handler |
MercuryCommandRegisteringSystem | Complete Command Registeration System |
MercuryDisplay | Used for controlling low-level display functions |
MercuryDisplay::PickedLightInfo | |
MercuryDisplay::ProjectionTypeMatrix | |
MercuryDisplay::TranslucentPair | |
MercuryDisplayEE | Display driver for the PlayStation 2 |
MercuryDisplaySoftwareC | |
MercuryDisplaySoftwareC::InternalPoint | |
MercuryDisplaySoftwareC::InternalTexture | |
MercuryDynTex | |
MercuryFile | Base file object for accessing files |
MercuryFileDirverDirect | [internal] File driver that accesses files on the hard drive |
MercuryFileDriver | [internal] Base file driver |
MercuryFileDriverMem | |
MercuryFileDriverNet | [internal] Net file driver |
MercuryFileDriverPacked | [internal] File driver that accesses files in packed files |
MercuryFileDriverPacked::PckFileEntry | An entry in a packed file |
MercuryFileDriverZipped | [internal] File driver that accesses files in a zip file |
MercuryFileDriverZipped::ZipFileEntry | An entry in a packed file |
MercuryFileManager | The Mercury File Manager -- accessable via FILEMAN |
MercuryFileObjectDirect | [internal] File object that access the normal file system |
MercuryFileObjectNet | |
MercuryFileObjectPacked | [internal] File object that accesses packed files in the Packages/ folder |
MercuryFileObjectZipped | [internal] File object that accesses zipped files in the root or Packed/ folder |
MercuryGLState | |
MercuryImageReaderRegister | |
MercuryINI | Framework for INI files |
MercuryInputManager | Input Manager (accessable via INPUTMAN) |
MercuryLight | Logical light to be placed in a scene |
MercuryLoadableModel | Loadable Model |
MercuryLoadableModel::LoadableModelAnimationInfo | Public Animation Information |
MercuryLoadableModel::MLAnimationKey | |
MercuryLoadableModel::MLBone | |
MercuryLoadableModel::MLBoneAnimation | |
MercuryLoadableModel::MLQVert | |
MercuryLog | |
MercuryMaterial | [internal] Material to apply to object |
MercuryMatrix | General Purpose 4x4 row-major matrix |
MercuryMatrixStack | |
MercuryMemoryThrough | [internal] Dummy class that gets created for mallocing |
MercuryMemoryThroughMaker | [internal] Singleton used to create the dummy memory |
MercuryMesh | Mesh of many polygons |
MercuryMeshCore | |
MercuryMeshManager | General Mesh Manager, all new or deleted meshes should be created/destroyed with this |
MercuryMessageHandler | Multipurpose message transport system |
MercuryMessageManager | Message Manager (accessable via MESSAGEMAN.) |
MercuryMessageManager::PostData | |
MercuryMessageObjectData | [Internal] ObjectData for receiving messages |
MercuryMessageObjectSubscription | [internal] Subscription for objects to messages |
MercuryMessageSubscription | Subscription for messages |
MercuryModel | Generic type of multi-mesh 3d model |
MercuryMutex | Mutual exclusion object |
MercuryNetClient | |
MercuryNetServer | |
MercuryNetServerConnection | |
MercuryObject | [actor] Base Object (abstract) |
MercuryObject::ParentHoldPair | [internal] Data structure to hold information about objects |
MercuryObjectBase | [Internal] underlying object driving |
MercuryObjectFactory | Class Register for Object creation |
MercuryObjectRegister | [internal] Mercury Object Register, Keeps track of all objects |
MercuryODEObject | Base object that can be stuck in an ODE world |
MercuryODEObjectLoadable | Loadable ODE Object, this is loaded from a world INI file |
MercuryODEObjectLoadable::InternalTrimesh | Internal trimesh information |
MercuryODEWorld | A complete ODE world with objects that can interact with one another |
MercuryOGL | Open GL Display Driver |
MercuryOGLFBOCubeObject | |
MercuryOGLFBOObject | |
MercuryOGLGLSLangObject | |
MercuryParticleField | |
MercuryPoint | A point in space/vector |
MercuryPoly | Polygon for Meshes |
MercuryScreen | [actor] Base Screen |
MercuryScreenManager | Screen Manager accessable via SCREENMAN-> |
MercuryShape | [actor] Sprite |
MercurySkyBox | |
MercurySoundChannel | |
MercurySoundDriver | |
MercurySoundDriverALSA | |
MercurySoundInDriver | |
MercurySoundOutDriver | |
MercurySoundSourceWAV | |
MercurySprite | [actor] Sprite |
MercurySwapObject | |
MercuryText | Text (actor) |
MercuryText::LetterHolder | |
MercuryTextChar | |
MercuryTextCharData | |
MercuryTextGlyphData | |
MercuryTextPrompt | Text prompt for ScreenMapEditor |
MercuryTexture | Texture, usually an image |
MercuryTextureManager | [internal] Manager for all textures loaded |
MercuryTextureManager::ThreadLoadData | |
MercuryTheme | Mercury Theme System (Accessable via THEME.) |
MercuryThemeManager | |
MercuryThread | Thread object |
MercuryTimer | General timer/clock |
MercuryTimerBenchmark | Time benchmarker |
MercuryTimerBenchmark::BenchPoint | [internal] Benchmark Point |
MercuryTween | [internal] Tween descriptor |
MercuryTweenOperation | [internal] Operation descriptor |
MercuryTweenState | All info for a tween state |
MercuryVertex | |
MercuryVertWrapper | |
MercuryWindow | |
MercuryWindowEE | Merucry window driver for the PlayStation 2 |
MercuryWindowFB | Display driver for the framebuffer |
MercuryWindowSDL | Display driver for Linux |
MHash< T > | Mercury Hash Table for Strings |
MHash< T >::MHashNode< TC > | |
MHeap< T > | |
MInfoPair | [Internal] Info that is used for any given malloc or free |
MLockPtr< T > | This can be used to have the compile help us find code that is not threadsafe |
MQuaternion | Mathematical Quaternion (Used for Rotation) |
MString | Very fast String class |
MVector< T > | |
my_error_mgr | |
ObjectControlPane | Control pane for ScreenMapEditor |
ODEFluid | |
ODEFluid::HitObject | |
ODEUnitInfo | |
Projectile | |
Projection | |
PSElement | Parameter Stack Element |
PSElement::ParmData | |
PStack | Parameter List |
RaceCar | |
RawAudioPacket | |
RawImageData | |
RenderPacket | |
RiffChunk | |
ScreenCopper | Screen to drive the CuUI |
ScreenDebugOverlay | Debug Screen, containing FPS and such |
ScreenExample2DSS | |
ScreenFPS | |
ScreenFPS2 | |
ScreenGameForBlind | |
ScreenHelloWorld | Hello world screen + particle effect demo |
ScreenHgTitle | The Mercury Title Screen |
ScreenJunq | Ben Daily's Junq Screen |
ScreenMapEditor | Map editor used to edit ODE Worlds and Objects |
ScreenNetTester | Test bench mercury networked stuff |
ScreenODETest | Test bench for ODE Worlds |
ScreenOutdoors | |
ScreenRallyRace | |
ScreenSound | |
ScreenTest | The Mercury Title Screen |
SDLMouse | [internal] The mouse driver for linux |
SimPadMouse | [internal] EE Simulated Mouse driver |
SoundDriversManager | |
TextList | |
TextureAttrs | |
TextureID | [internal] ID keeper for texture |
TGAHeader | |
VirtualProjectile | |
WaveHead | |
Win32Mouse | [internal] Win32 Mouse driver |
Win32Window | Windows Window Driver |