MercuryGLState.h File Reference

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class  MercuryGLState


static const unsigned long MGLS_DEPTHWRITE = 0x1
static const unsigned long MGLS_DEPTHTEST = 0x2
static const unsigned long MGLS_COLORWRITE = 0x4
static const unsigned long MGLS_ALPHATEST = 0x8
static const unsigned long MGLS_BLEND = 0x10
static const unsigned long MGLS_VERTEXARRAY = 0x20
static const unsigned long MGLS_NORMALARRAY = 0x40
static const unsigned long MGLS_UVARRAY = 0x80
static const unsigned long MGLS_TEXTURING = 0x100
static const unsigned long MGLS_LIGHTING = 0x200
static const unsigned long MGLS_STENCILTEST = 0x400
static const unsigned long MGLS_SHADER = 0x800
static const unsigned long MGLS_CLEARFRAME = 0x1000
static const unsigned long MGLS_OPAQUE = 0x80000000
static const unsigned long MGLS_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF

Variable Documentation

const unsigned long MGLS_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF [static]

Definition at line 19 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_ALPHATEST = 0x8 [static]

Definition at line 7 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_BLEND = 0x10 [static]

Definition at line 8 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_CLEARFRAME = 0x1000 [static]

Definition at line 16 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_COLORWRITE = 0x4 [static]

Definition at line 6 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_DEPTHTEST = 0x2 [static]

Definition at line 5 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_DEPTHWRITE = 0x1 [static]

Definition at line 4 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_LIGHTING = 0x200 [static]

Definition at line 13 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_NORMALARRAY = 0x40 [static]

Definition at line 10 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_OPAQUE = 0x80000000 [static]

Definition at line 18 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_SHADER = 0x800 [static]

Definition at line 15 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_STENCILTEST = 0x400 [static]

Definition at line 14 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_TEXTURING = 0x100 [static]

Definition at line 12 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_UVARRAY = 0x80 [static]

Definition at line 11 of file MercuryGLState.h.

const unsigned long MGLS_VERTEXARRAY = 0x20 [static]

Definition at line 9 of file MercuryGLState.h.

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